According to many sexologists, the big penis can not solve all the problems in intimate life. Having a long and thick penis is not all that a man needs. She should also take into account her partner's preferences, listen to his opinion and observe how he feels during sex. However, many members of the stronger sex still believe that the insufficient length of the phallus is the source of all troubles in relationships with women and therefore are constantly looking for ways to increase it.
In this case they have a fairly fair question, are there really effective methods of penis enlargement if it is already impossible to change what is given by nature. The answer came from scientists at the Polish Scientific Institute, who conducted a number of laboratory and clinical experiments involving more than two thousand men.
An overview of penis enlargement methods and their real effectiveness
There are three main ways to grow a penis:
- Special preparations;
- surgery;
- Equipment Technology.
Medication penis enlargement is considered to be the most popular as there are not many who want to put it under a surgeon’s knife or spend money on vacuum pumps and other devices. Due to the high demand for "enhancer" drugs, scientists at the Polish Research Institute first tested their effectiveness.

ᲛImportant!When choosing the preferred option, you should first consult a surgeon and urologist. The doctor prescribes computed tomography or ultrasound of the pelvic organs to rule out pathologies that are contraindicated for any technique.
Is it possible to enlarge the penis with medication?
Now finding the right tool to enlarge your penis is not as difficult as it was a few years ago. The internet is literally full of various ads offering men gels, creams, sprays or pills that, according to the manufacturer, only add a few inches to the genitals in just 2-3 weeks. They are cheap and available to everyone, so the demand for them is higher than for other appliances. However, in practice only a few were able to achieve positive results.

The reason that penis enlargement products do not help everyone is the active activity of cheaters. They regularly supply the market with fake, which not only does not solve the problem of short penis, but also sometimes harms health, causes allergic reactions, dermatitis, inflammation of the skin in the intimate area, and so on. Sh.
Also, the chances of a positive effect of the medication are reduced:
- Non-compliance with instructions;
- Improper storage;
- One dose change down;
- Premature discontinuation of the drug;
- Ignoring doctors' advice;
- The combination of one drug with another is similar, causing a chemical reaction between the substances that make up both joints, causing them to lose their properties.
According to research, penis enlargement with medication is not a myth, but it will take a long time to find the original product and strictly follow its instructions, which is not always possible before the active lifestyle of modern man. Any deviation from the guideline or a change in the product usage scheme will reduce the whole process of increasing the phallus to zero.
Preparations for penis enlargement
In parallel with determining the level of effectiveness of "prolongation" drugs, representatives of the Polish Scientific Institute have identified remedies that will actually help men increase penis size by 1, 5-2 centimeters (maximum result from the use of creams, sprays or tablets).
The amounts are presented in tablet form and in the form of topical preparations. They are mainly made up of herbal ingredients but also contain synthetic ingredients. The principle of their action is to increase blood flow to the genitals, under the pressure of which the chambers of the cavernous bodies dilate, and the penis stretches over time.
The elongated member maintains its position for several months after stopping the drug. After this period the genitals lose their acquired size. They should be maintained constantly, periodically renewed by taking pills or treating the skin of the penis with external means. This is the main disadvantage of prolonging phallus medication. However, for some men this is not a problem. They regularly use "boost" drugs and are quite happy with their effect.
Peculiarities of surgical intervention
You do not even need to do any special research to find out how good the surgery is compared to the drug technique. It is enough just to find out how the operation is going and all the other questions will disappear by themselves.

ᲛImportant!Falloprosthetics are popular in men who experience moderate to advanced stages of impotence. In this case, rigid or semi-rigid prostheses are used to maintain the erection of the penis.
Surgical enlargement of the penis is done according to the following scheme:
- A small incision is made in the penis (about 2-3 cm);
- Then a silicone implant is inserted into it;
- The artificial element stretches the penis and expands it in diameter.
This method has many advantages:
- The result is instant. The penis is enlarged during the operation and there is no need to wait;
- Minimum of contraindications;
- No side effects. The only thing a patient can encounter is scarring or suppuration. This occurs due to infection inside the wound, through the fault of the medical staff;
- Maintain the shape of the penis for a long time;
- Short healing period of postoperative wound;
- There are no large scars or strongly visible scars at the site of implant insertion.
In addition, the advantage of surgical penis enlargement is that the man himself can choose the size of the penis. With the help of prosthetics it is possible to increase the penis up to 7 cm.
Disadvantages of prosthetics
Despite the whole list of positive features, phallus extension surgery has several disadvantages, namely:
- Silicone material is fragile and can be damaged during "heavy" sex, so you will have to carefully handle your "dignity";
- The implant is deformed and after 5-6 years it needs to be replaced with a new one and it costs the same as the first operation;
- There is no contraindication to surgical penis enlargement - congenital or acquired curvature of the penis, vascular weakness, venereal diseases, polyps in the urethra.
Myths of Genital Prosthetics
Representatives of clinics where phalloprosthetics are performed talk about surgery only positively. They convince their potential clients that the procedure is absolutely safe, it helps men get rid of complexes and get a big penis without any problems. In fact, everything looks a little different.

The following is a list of myths about phallus surgery that specialists were able to dispel during the study:
- The effect of surgery is reversible.This is fiction. After implant placement, all the tissue is stretched and when it is removed, the penis looks like an inflated ball. Of course, over time the cavernous body will take on its original shape and the skin will tighten, but this will take a long time;
- The procedure is painless. . . This is also not true. The fact is that during surgery, a man under general anesthesia makes a small incision in the base of the penis or in the scrotal area. But after leaving the anesthesia, the patient feels a sharp pain in the abdomen, which can be relieved only with strong anesthetics;
- The implant takes root in 98% of cases.In practice, these figures are lower. Almost 27-33% of men experience tooth decay. This is caused by the biological incompatibility of living tissues and artificial materials;
- The man will not have any problems after the operation.Unfortunately, after a phallus prosthesis, the stronger sex will start to have a lot of inconvenience. First of all, it must be said that the member will be constantly in a semi-erect state and this will create some difficulties in daily life. Also, a silicone implant interferes with pelvic organ ultrasound, sometimes shifting and complicating urination.
ᲛImportant!Placing an implant is a serious decision. Therefore, you need to carefully evaluate all the pros and cons of surgery and only then contact the clinic. In case of unsuccessful prosthetics, it is very difficult to return everything as it was before.
However, no matter what scientists say, surgical penis enlargement is considered to be the most effective technique that allows you to achieve a cherished goal without much effort. Therefore, if you do not take into account some details, then implant placement is the only right choice that can actually lengthen the penis in a short time.
Hardware Penis Enlargement: Myth Or Reality?
There are plenty of phallus stretching devices in sex and medical stores. They fall into two categories:
- Extenders;
- Vacuum pumps.
Extenders are a structure consisting of a thrust element, a prop, and two stretchers. They attach to the suture from the pubic bone, causing the shaft of the penis to stretch slowly along its length.

Vacuum pumps, unlike extenders, work in a completely different way. They consist of a bulb that fits on the penis, air pumping hoses and a rubber bulb. In advanced models, an electronic panel is added to the device, which in itself increases the pressure. Some devices are equipped with vaginal attachments. In this case, the pump can be used for both penis enlargement and masturbation, but many can not afford such models.

Both types of devices are designed with one goal in mind - to stretch the penis. However, in the case of extenders, the penis is extended only by length. The penis stretches but becomes thin, which not everyone will like. Therefore, doctors recommend buying exactly the vacuum models, since the pressure created during the process of pumping air from the pump causes not only the elongation of the phallus structure, but also the expansion of the volume.
How much can a member be increased with hardware
If we compare the technique of the technique with the medical or surgical technique, then it is definitely better than the first and falls short of the latter. When using an extender, the limiting effect is 3-4 cm, while the vacuum pump extends the penis to 5, or even 6 cm (depending on how often and for how long you use it).

However, we must remember that this option is very traumatic. In the process of stretching the phallus, a person is faced with such side effects as:
- Uterine pain;
- Bruises and bruises on the skin of the genitals;
- Discomfort when touching the penis;
- Difficulty urinating;
- Discomfort during sexual intercourse.
In addition, the penis is likely to acquire a bluish tinge and may swell. But do not be upset, all the above unpleasant events will disappear by themselves. As an extreme remedy, you can use medicines to repair the skin and remove the swelling.
Advantages of Hardware Hardware
Purchasing an extender or vacuum pump is suitable for those who are not ready for surgery and are already frustrated with using penis enlargement products. These devices are guaranteed to extend the phallus and have several advantages:
- acceptable price. Now you do not need to constantly spend money to buy ointments, tablets or sprays. Once purchased, a vacuum pump or holder will serve its owner for a lifetime;
- The result is noticeable almost immediately;
- You will not get an infection, unlike surgery;
- Complete anonymity. When purchasing devices, the client name will be hidden and no one will know about it;
- It is permissible to combine the technique with other methods of penis enlargement;
- The use of a vacuum pump or extender has a positive effect on the potential;
- Contraindications (except for congenital or acquired phallus curve).
ᲛImportant!Do not use vacuum pumps or hoods to open the blood and take painkillers. Also, some techniques should be discarded during some forms of priapism and leukemia.
Is there another effective option for penis enlargement?
On men’s forums you can meet users talking about how the penis can be enlarged through traditional medicine, manual techniques and exercises aimed at strengthening the cavernous tissues and enlarging their volume.
In fact, all of the above methods either do not give any results at all, or the effect is so insignificant that it can be noticed only by careful measurement with the ruler of the penis.
In medical practice, no cases of file augmentation have been reported using this technique. All the information that decoctions, homemade creams or massages can enlarge the penis is nothing but fiction.
Therefore, doctors advise you not to conduct experiments with various dubious methods and ask to contact a surgeon or buy extenders, pumps or "booster" drugs. This is the only way you can really add a few centimeters to the genitals and not harm your health.